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[Idea] Restaurant Menu AI

Published: at 10:13 PM

There’s this little spot in Hong Kong my wife and I always hit up when we’re in town.

Great food, solid service, decent prices. One catch: the menu’s all Chinese characters. No English in sight. But here’s where it gets interesting.

They’ve got this QR code thing going on. Scan it with your phone, and boom - English menu appears like magic. Order right there on your screen, no staff needed. It’s beautifully simple.

It got me thinking about back home in the Philippines. Most places, you’re still playing charades with the waiter, pointing at menu items and hoping for the best. Not knocking it - that’s just how it is. Not every joint can afford fancy tech.

But man, this QR setup? It’s not rocket science. Basic tech, killer idea.

So my mind starts racing. Could we pull this off back home? And then I really go off the deep end - what if we ditched the on-screen menu altogether? What if you could just talk to your phone and order?

“Hey phone, get me the adobo and a San Miguel.”

Crazy? Maybe. Doable? Probably. Worth a shot? Absolutely.

I can see myself tinkering with this someday. Not today, not tomorrow, but someday. Because that’s how good ideas become great products - you let them marinate, you turn them over in your head, and then one day, you just start building.

For now, though, I’m content to marvel at this little piece of future tech in a Hong Kong restaurant, making life just a bit easier, one order at a time.

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